Category: WIP

  • Marie

    I kind of flew through this, but in two sessions. I didn’t take too many pics as I had planned to, but that’s a good sign I was having fun! I had so much fun with this! I can’t get over it. The auction is tomorrow. I’m excited to go! It’s definitely not an everyday…

  • Flipflop

    I haven’t been having as much fun knitting lately as crocheting. So I changed my Big Scarf to crochet. I’m still working on Fuzzball and Coffee Date though and I’m very close to casting on Lunar by SwordofaKnitter. I met him! I bought that pattern at Taos once. His booth was slammed with people and…

  • Marie Antoinette hat Part 1

    I’m making two hats for the upcoming Not Your Mama’s Tea Party! One is for me, this crochet one I started. The other is for the hat auction. I’m planning a huge paper wig monstrosity. I’ll start it this weekend, I don’t think it’ll take as long as the crochet hat. A bunch of us…

  • ?!?

    Only blue left!!! Then backstitching!!!

  • Still Kicking!!

    Let’s see… where to start… I frogged the scarf and started the Bluebonnet Shawl by Marly Bird. Edgecliff is going a row or two at a time. I decided to go simple and meditative with that cool Cat Mountain Fiber skein and am making a simple garter stitch big scarf. I love seeing the different…