
I haven’t been having as much fun knitting lately as crocheting. So I changed my Big Scarf to crochet. I’m still working on Fuzzball and Coffee Date though and I’m very close to casting on Lunar by SwordofaKnitter. I met him! I bought that pattern at Taos once. His booth was slammed with people and he was very nice. I love that pattern but (surprised?) didn’t know what to use with it. Sooo I’m thinking Dear Diary and some black I have. Or hot pink. I like knitting those big shawls!

Also I totally ran out if steam on the Dr sampler. I may pick it up again now that the weather is warming up. We’re slowly but surely cleaning up the backyard and now I have a little spot to sit again!

Using old pots and bowls are great for the yarny plants. I spray-painted a plastic pot gold yesterday to make another garden. I’m making up some of them, but most of them are patterns from Make a Crochet Garden and Soft & Snuggly Cacti.

So here’s a pic dump of stuff that’s making me happy when I work on them:

Switched to a G hook at Guava Tree Cafe with the help of arepas and cafe leche. linky
A quick lil succulent at Cafe Bella!
The whole gang! My youngest made that sweet little bowl/pot last year. It’s perfect!
Happy garden! The T-Rex there is a planter. I’m deciding what to put in him. The rainbow pot on the left is also from my youngest last year. I think it will have another prickly pear in there soon.

I made a HUGE version of a barrel cactus. I named it the basketball cactus! I had to make it a bit smaller to fit in the pot. I love how it came out! This one is for my mom’s birthday.

That’s the news for now!

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