Category: WIP

  • WIP Madness Part 3

    This one a day idea is pretty good…I get more posts out and I never run out of things to post about if I use WIPs, hahaha! Part 3) Kai Socks Pattern is Kai-Mei I by Cookie A in her book, Sock Innovations. She is another sock designer I adore. The pattern I beautiful. It…

  • WIP Madness Part 2

    Part 2) The Bat Shawl. I started this beast three years ago as one of my first lace pieces…oy. Don’t start a shawl for your first lace piece! I only need to do the border. I have started and that damn border 3 or 4 times! It’s the kind of project I have to concentrate…

  • My (Work In Progress) Madness, part 1

    I have a serious case of startitis. I also keep finding old projects laying around that suddenly seem very intriguing. I have a ton if WIPs right now and honestly, I love it! I love having them all in one pile/bag/place. I can look in the bag and say, “Hmmm….what should I work on today?”…

  • More Progress

    I want to finish this WIP in 2013, so help me. My aunt and uncle’s 50th anniversary is in 2015 and I’d like to get it sent to them before then. So here is a picture of my progress. Not much, but I’m getting much farther on the windowsill. I make notes on my patterns.…

  • Get It Together Part 2: Getting Started

    How do you get all that thread and stuff organized before you stitch? I admit that getting all that together is half the fun. It’s exciting to think about the work ahead, the beautiful piece as it slowly comes together. A place for everything and everything in its place. If only I could apply that idea…