insert clever title here
Hey! I’m back. After my last post, in July, my sciatica got worse and worse and I finally took it seriously in early October and got some medical advice. Long story short- it’s severe, I have meds, I’m in PT, and I’m dealing with it. I don’t like it but I don’t let anything tell…
Elephants On Parade
Finished! I’ll show you how I stiffen, block, and frame the piece. You’ll need white glue, water, an old bowl, stirring device, pins, blocking surface (more on that later), and a small towel. Mix up some glue in the water. I used about a tablespoon? There should be much more water than glue. It’s not…
OMG I forgot
I forgot to show you my cool new project bag! I saw it on Moogly and realized I had everything I needed to make one. It was quick to make too. I used some extra yarn laying around, some cute spoopy buttons I’ve had forever, and some plastic canvas. TBH, I made one side’s canvas…
(wooooossshhhing noise)
Here it is! 4 years later! I found every WIP picture I have and put them in order: Stuff I changed to personalize it: I added different phrases on the sides. The original said “something old and something new-something borrowed something blue”. I chose a quote from Captain Jack Harkness “I used to be a…
Scrapghan finished!
It was a long time coming too. I like the size of it! So that’s one down for 2019. Five to go!