Category: cross stitch

  • What’s up

    Still here! Still stitchin’. It’s been  long road, but I’m becoming an experienced traveler. I’m working hard at focusing on one or two projects at a time and not doing too much all the time. When I started that, it was a couple years ago, and I had over 27 knitting WIPs alone! I broke…

  • UGH then yay!

    The samurai is on hold for now. I got into a good rhythm and was having fun, but I noticed that sometime all those years ago I made a counting mistake and just noticed it. It’s big enough that it would take more time to fix it than to just start over. I didn’t want…

  • Finished!

    The Frosted Pumpkin’s 2017 Happily Ever After SAL: I know I babble a lot about new projects and I’m so excited blahblahpromisesblahblah. So, starting now and into 2018, I’m going to work on focusing. On everything. I don’t need to do everything all the time! It’s been tough, honestly, I’m so used to multi-tasking I…

  • November’s Done! Plus a new project because I always need a new project…

    I forgot to post this, but I finished it last Wednesday! One more left!! This has been such a fun project, I already bought another pattern (from CloudsFactory) to do next year, a little at a time. CF released this as a SAL for 2017, but since it’s December the whole pattern is available. Score!…

  • October’s done!