Author: Kathleen

  • Downsizing

    So if you know me you know I get overwhelmed easily. Dig too deep. Get in over my head and all that. I went from a ginormous list of WIPs to a much more manageable one. I got even more done last year, and never once felt guilty or tired of it when I branched…

  • Scrapghan finished!

    It was a long time coming too. I like the size of it! So that’s one down for 2019. Five to go!

  • New Year, New Motivation

    I can’t explain it. I feel like finishing stuff lately! Normally this time of year (and pretty much all the time) I want to start more projects…but now I’m anxious to finish some. I put Opus back in time out because those crocheted tentacles were not working out. Bleh. So I frogged them and he’s…

  • Random fun I got this fun list from stitcherybutchery on tumblr   How long have you been stitching? Since I was 14. My brother’s friend showed me how, and I derped my way through it! It was a cat on a window. I remember I gave it to my friend. I must have bought it as a…

  • Block Party

    I finished a lot this fall! I need to block them all, though. I haven’t because I’m tired of blocking things on towels, on my bed. I have too many people and pets for that nonsense anymore. I’d like to get some blocking mats and then I can use either my mom’s giant table or…