Still kicking

I know it’s been awhile, but suffice to say 2017 is what I’ve been calling the Year of the Dumpster Fire. There’s been a lot of rough times this year, but it wasn’t all bad. Here’s a few pictures of some good stuff:

Pepper is very helpful with crochet projects.
A sunrise mimosa with creme brulee, amongst besties.
Took myself to lunch at Flying Star.


Some of my haul from the NM Mineral Symposium. I plan to facet those little yellow stones (apatite).

I have been trudging along on the happily ever after Stitch along; I only have 3 months left!

It’s almost finished! I even got the bottom left corner, and some of the right corner. Now it’s on to October (Sword in the Stone!)

I will bring this to my parents house next week, I really hope I can at least get October done and November started. I hope the border will line up…I’ve had such a good time with this project.

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