I made a lot of progress this week! I put some shiny thread around the stars*, put a tatted snowflake on**, finished the house and started the border for March. I still don’t know what to do with the goat…Maybe some fuzzy thread I’ve heard about bc white and grey get lost in the fabric…so I’m leaving him for now until I find something suitable. I can’t wait for Wednesday afternoon when we get the next one!
*DMC S5200 satin floss and Kreinik blending filament 032, one strand each. Thread Heaven really helped here!
**I used size 20 cotton thread (DMC I think) and about a yard on the shuttle was just right. I made four rings of 12ds each.
I used three strands of white for the cross stitches and two strands for the french knots. I’ll use three strands of white from now on because it shows up better.