
No pics today, just some updates. I tried the grid on Man’s Best Friend, and wow! I got one whole column done in less than an hour. I’m really excited about how much faster this method will be for that project. I promised I would be able to start a super sweet Dr Who sampler when I finished it, so that;s some powerful motivation still.
I’m so close to finishing the stitching on Tuscany for my aunt and uncle. I only have a tiny bit of wall left, plus the background half stitches of the vineyard. Backstitching will be last, and is always the most satisfying.
I started a stamped cross stitch for my brother, and that is going very quickly. It would go faster if I didn’t make myself work on MBF, but meh, there’s no due date on that one. I’ve only owned it for a couple months. :-) Not a few years like MBF!
I also tatted another bookmark in blues and purple. Very cute. Kinda looks like a caterpillar to me because of all the picots. If I lied in a Wonderland, all the caterpillars would be tatted.
I’m mostly knitting lately. I am chugging along happily on a cabled cardigan, (it really only has one cabled section, and that means I can easily knit while watching movies), and some gloves. I figured out how to read the gloves pattern (duh) so now I’m getting far on them in a short time. I did 12+ rows tonight alone, during my son’s practice. woot! Soon I’ll get to the color work. Before that I have to put the thumb stitches on a holder. I could use scrap yarn, but I live for gadgets. I had a small stitch holder (imagine a large, dull safety pin) in my purse for years. Literally. I never used it, switched purses, then put it “away” because I didn’t seem to ever need it. I have no blooming idea where it is now, naturally, because I finally need it. lol. No fear, I had another one, I think even the right size, in another little knit kit I have. Whew! The gloves will be my first with all 10 fingers knitted up, and then conductive thread added to a couple fingertips for using touch devices in this 21st century Wonderland. :-)
That’s all the crafties on my mind lately, I won’t even get into all the books that are currently floating around in there too.
Fall is here, with warm afternoons. But I know winter is close after Halloween, so I’m looking forward to wearing sweaters again. Sweaters agree with me. Maybe I’ll have a cardigan to cuddle into before spring? At least I know I’ll have one next fall! :-)
Here’s to crisp mornings and spooky evenings!

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