Category: WIP

  • Little Update

    Still crazy for tatting. Here are some bookmarks I finished (finally!). That orange one is Clover Bookmark by Kelly Luljak and it was tough! The pattern is fine but I learned a lot by making a bunch of newbie mistakes, then fixing them. I added one too many clovers to one end but I like…

  • Salvage Operation

    Around Christmas time, knitty came out with another fantastic Franklin Habit pattern, a plaid (yes! PLAID) scarf! I immediately printed it out, read the blog post, found some stash yarn (yay me!) and got to it. I have fond memories of knitting on it while watching  Brisco County Jr with B and while sitting next…

  • Chugging Along

    I dragged out Man’s Best Friend by Dimensions again. I read some neat sites and articles about different stitching methods to make it easier to transition between lots of color changes, as well as make it easier to count stitches as you go along. Normally, I will start in the dead center of the pattern…

  • Adventures in an ancient craft

    So tatting isn’t very popular, nor is it very easy to find anything about it. I’m so happy for youtube videos! I found a good Dover book about tatting. The videos are where I go for demonstrations. The big goal is to make a 4 leaf clover. My entire tatting experience is thus: That’s it!…

  • Past the wall

    I finally finished the outer edge of the window. I put this down two years ago because of that window ledge! I’m working on the grapes now, then cheese. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel… Update! 2014-2-23 OK I did the cheese, then the grapes. ;-) I’m working on the…