Category: life at home

  • Spring Fevers

    Well, no fevers, thankfully. My youngest got sick and now I have something…coldish…stuffy  in my sinuses. I took my allergy meds and have a nice cuppa coffee this morning to battle it. ;-) Lots of stuff happening on the home front that kept me from blogging last week-I gave notice at my job (been there…

  • WIP Wednesday (barely)

    It’s still Wednesday! I didn’t miss the post! We went to Angel Fire for a 1.5 days over the weekend with an old friend. I didn’t get a lot of pictures, we mostly sat around, and it was great to slow down for awhile! I crocheted a lot in the car! It’s nice not to…

  • From the Trenches, sort of

    My youngest got pretty sick over the weekend, hence the late post. Inevitably, I’m sick today. It’s not so bad, but since my job involves mucho driving, I called in. That’s rare. Anyway, little guy is doing much better and I’m camped out in his room with him. We have snacks! Bananas and banana bread.…

  • Week 10 or something

    Here’s the view from my favorite coffee shop: And a cute WIP pic: It snowed a lot the next week, more than usual by far, keep in mind we usually get a dusting, then it melts.   I’m not complaining, nor comparing,  the snow amounts. NM needs all the moisture it can get and the…

  • Ugh!!!

    I haven’t been able to load the last three posts…it will freeze halfway and then I lose the content. Gonna use this as a test post, then try and update WordPress on my tablet. Wish me luck!