Category: drawing

  • Still got it!

    I was supposed to go to a faceters guild meeting tonight, I even got there early! I sketched out a little thing while I waited. And waited. Where is everyone? Oh. Across town at the other community center…ugh!! By the time I got to that part of town i was an hour late. So rather than…

  • Planning 2017

    I got into the planner craze in 2016, big time. I mean, it’s what us 90s kids used to do back in the day, right? So it was easy to fall back into the habit. I still have my DayPlanner from 1997 because it was awesome. I even used it as a purse, I was…

  • More Doilies

    Here are two more I’m working on, I’m really pleased with my progress! I finally feel like I’m out of the “beginner” stage. Renulek’s patterns have always been a challenge, but they are so pretty. She has nice diagrams but a lot of it is figuring out how it was done, based on experience. When…

  • Finished Crest

    Also, How to Add Lettering From a Different Pattern/Combine Two Patterns. ☺ Here are all the progress pics I took. I think the whole project took about 3 weeks. That’s awesome!! [row class=”text-center”][col_onehalf][/col_onehalf] [col_onehalf][/col_onehalf][/row] [row class=”text-center”][col_onehalf][/col_onehalf] [col_onehalf][/col_onehalf][/row] [row class=”text-center”][col_onehalf][/col_onehalf] [col_onehalf][/col_onehalf][/row]     I googled “adventure quotes” and found this one from The Three Musketeers. I…

  • A Tiny Turtle Pattern

    I made this up when I was learning picots and rings. :-) R: 2-4-2—2-4-2. *Translation: To form a ring: 2ds, small picot, 4ds, small picot, 2ds, very large picot, 2ds, small picot, 4ds, small picot, 2ds. Close ring and tie off. Weave/hide ends.