Month: February 2017

  • I know I know

    I’ve been here before. Best laid plans and all that. “Oh with this year long SAL I’ll just work on that and the Doctor sampler and finish both this year!” hahaha I’m so organized. Then I saw this: aaaannnd it may have ended up in my amazon cart and then on my porch. I love…

  • Ready for March!

  • February Happily Ever After Update

    I made a lot of progress this week! I put some shiny thread around the stars*, put a tatted snowflake on**, finished the house and started the border for March. I still don’t know what to do with the goat…Maybe some fuzzy thread I’ve heard about bc white and grey get lost in the fabric…so I’m…

  • Happily Ever After SAL (February)

    This month is Heidi. I haven’t read that book, but I hear the Shirley Temple movie is good, and I read the synopsis on wikipedia. Lazy? Nah. Priorities. I have other books to read. ;-) I haven’t gotten to the stars yet, but I think the silver rayon will looks fine. I changed a couple…

  • Happily Ever After SAL (January)

    It’s here!! I had to wait for 12:00PT to get the pattern, so I organized everything. It’s one of my favorite parts of a project, honestly. I’m so chuffed about the stitch organizer they sent and my little Yoshi egg needle minder (from P). The first pattern is for January, (the Owl and the Pussycat!),…