Month: March 2016

  • Gateway Craft

    I think a lot of people are multicraftual-they know and practice more than 2 or 3 crafts. In no particular order I cross stitch, knit, crochet, embroider, tat, and sew (nothing major, easy stuff and repairs). But every crafter started with that One Craft, the one that got them head first into making things with…

  • WIP Wednesday (barely)

    It’s still Wednesday! I didn’t miss the post! We went to Angel Fire for a 1.5 days over the weekend with an old friend. I didn’t get a lot of pictures, we mostly sat around, and it was great to slow down for awhile! I crocheted a lot in the car! It’s nice not to…

  • WIP Wednesday

    It’s a busy week already, haven’t stitched much, but I did get to sit and stitch at a birthday party last Sunday. I got to stitch and watch a gaggle of 8 year olds bowl. It was a lot of fun. We had pizza and cake and he spent most of his quarters on the…

  • WIP Wednesday

    So my youngest got sick, then I got strep throat (ugh!!), and now my oldest has strep. Luckily we caught it early and he is doing just fine. So I haven’t done much besides rest and read and drink lots of water, lol. I finally got into my hoodie vest again! I’m using up stash…