Month: May 2014

  • Success!

    I finished my header for the site. It’s made of DMC thread (whose color names I have misplaced). I tried different ways of stitching, like back and forth, up and down, traditional x vs. half stitch then halfstitch, I even went in circles. I love variegated colors! The black is DMC metallics in, well, black.…

  • Batman and Crew

    I finished my epic Batman sampler with all of the Wee Little Stitches bat-patterns! There are of course a few changes here and there and some mistakes I won’t point out (because they don’t matter): I used gold for the Riddler’s cane head and I added chest hair to Bane on Penny’s suggestion because it’s…

  • Tied Up

    So I’m head over heels into this tatting gig. I’ve made a few bookmarks, played with different thicknesses of thread, and bought a ton of stuff to play with! Whee! I have five shuttles already (oh boy) and lots of thread (not counting the size 10 DMC Cebelia doily stuff I already have) and even…